var appData = { "permissions": {}, "acronyms": { "ids": { "1": "I", "21": "CS", "22": "ENH", "83": "R", "101": "T", "122": "KB", "182": "TC", "202": "B", "222": "PT", "282": "D", "302": "Q", "304": "DT", "313": "US", "314": "S", "315": "E", "317": "SB", "318": "ST", "321": "P", "322": "D", "324": "GOA", "325": "IDE", "326": "STEP" }, "names": { "Changeset": "CS", "Project Task": "PT", "Doc": "DT", "Epic": "E", "Delivery": "D", "Release": "R", "Issue": "I", "Defect": "D", "Query": "Q", "Test Case": "TC", "Idea": "IDE", "KB": "KB", "User Story": "US", "Patch": "P", "Enhancement": "ENH", "Task": "T", "Sprint": "S", "Bugfix": "B", "SubTask": "ST", "Step Sprint": "STEP", "Goal": "GOA", "Sandbox": "SB" } }, "options": { "appName": "Gigantics Support", "logoFile": "/support/logo-Gigantics-support.svg", "logoStyle": { "width": "170px", "marginTop": "8px" }, "pubsubURL": "", "language": "en", "debug": false, "version": "20241211201702_c0fae339", "edition": "ee", "authUrl": null, "serverTimeZone": "Europe/Madrid" }, "license": { "msg": "", "license": { "name": "Commitive", "id": "Support", "period": "monthly", "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\n6CpWJ69e3UNVFIq75n7FFZSoCIwVDzMBaTj0h4Jzu0qe\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "volume": 1000, "lic_data": "TyofiA3owDHCyjKjlAqwRjTCPUFAjCUND4mDH7aqFAgfvDiCurGO6DQ38K3DCWoLrAn5MJHAyGXp/DzwjLRA6dEtpAvGrkJDY1BY9BvpTN2AuyP2VARtRHaD0TZvlCtQ7DbBNKh4qAUT510Dylrr1AM2McqB1BHi5BUncDqALrsx3AxXoRgB1PjWPC3tQzNB12UTRBPjQ2DD", "nodes": -1, "lic_key": "VJ/GR0K/kmrFeQYCGdV24GVRgnvuGAkFUUXgnp0nbdq7gT9DhkriBANFN2nu7FgcbHtUnsePPyvbnA5FbdQlRF5y5QrE3Eqcj2RuA5cldkxSsfxbrseY5B6U8yG9tKSYKIXIY+HeM4c9C1k1RAYvNnJSdhhZ8geYOUlwTBZAah8=", "end_date": "2034-01-20", "edition": "clarive_ee_onprem", "users": -1 } } }; appData.i18n = { "" : "Project-Id-Version: clarive\nPOT-Creation-Date: \nPO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-27 14:53+0200\nLast-Translator: clarive\nLanguage-Team: clarive\nLanguage: es\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\nX-Generator: Poedit 1.8.8\n", "SAML2: invalid or missing userid in attribute `%1`" : "", "Unexpected reference when loading CI: " : "", "CI record not found for search %1" : "", "CI record not found for mid %1" : "", "Cache set error %1 for key %2" : "", "Cache decode error of key `%1` (`%2`)" : "", "Cache decode error of keys %1" : "", "Email daemon started with frequency %1, timeout %2, max_message_size %3" : "", "Email daemon stopping." : "", "Trimming email message body, size exceeded ( %1 > %2 )" : "", "MessageQueue item id %1 could not be prepared: %2" : "", "ALL EMAILS redirected to '%1' (email_override)" : "", "CC EMAILS added: '%1' (email_cc)" : "", "Attachment not sent. The size is too big" : "", "Attachment not sent. The path does not exist" : "", "Error sending mail - %1" : "", "Could not send email '%1'. No recipients in TO or CC." : "", " Sending mail (server=%1) '$subject'\\nFROM: %2\\nTO: %3\\nCC: %4\\n" : "", "Error: attachment is not a hash but a %1" : "", "Failed to connect to server SMTP '%1': %2\\n" : "", "send failed: %1" : "", "Error while executing %1: %2" : "", "View server info in about window" : "", "Help" : "", "Clarive Help" : "", "About..." : "", "About" : "", "Administer Amazon instances and logs" : "", "Artifact Repository `%1` not found" : "", "No files were removed" : "", "Files were removed but with errors" : "", "Files were successfully removed" : "", "Serving zip file '%1'" : "", "File requested: (path=%1)" : "", "You have to specify a repository in the URL to navigate it" : "", "Artifact repository `%1` not found" : "", "Artifact Repository `%1` not active" : "", "Artifact Repository `%1` is hidden and cannot be accessed directly, only through groups" : "", "Authorization required" : "", "Authenticated repository `%1` requires user to be logged in" : "", "User does not have permission to access `%1`" : "", "Invalid file requested: %1 (repo=%2, path=%3)" : "", "Artifact Repository Internal Error: %1" : "", "Serving file %1" : "", "Serving directory %1" : "", "Method not supported yet: %1" : "", "Method not supported: %1" : "", "Package %1 not found" : "", "%1 published successfully" : "", "Become a different user" : "", "User can change own password" : "", "Number of user attempts" : "", "Seconds delay between retries" : "", "Maintenance mode" : "", "Enabled" : "", "Message" : "", "Sign Up Preferences" : "", "Allow new users to signup by themselves" : "", "Sign up" : "", "Domains allowed for sign up (empty allows any)" : "", "Domains allowed for sign up" : "", "Authentication required" : "", "Login Ok" : "", "Invalid User" : "", "Surrogate error: %1" : "", "Missing login" : "", "LOGIN ERROR: realm %1 does not exist" : "", "No user_filter nor user_field found in configuration" : "", "Invalid User or Password" : "", "LDAP bind error. Check binddn and bindpw in LDAP configuration" : "", "User is not active" : "", "api-key authentication is not enabled for this url" : "", "Missing User" : "", "Login succeeded" : "", "User not found: %1" : "", "Too many attempts" : "", "Attempts exhausted, please wait" : "", "Login error: %1" : "", "------| Login attempt: `%1`. Result=%2" : "", "Invalid User." : "", "User '%1' not found" : "", "SAML2: auth failed: %1" : "", "Login user %1 or email %1 not found" : "", "User %1 is not active" : "", "SAML header: %1" : "", "Current user: %1" : "", "SAML starting session for username: %1" : "", "SAML Failed auth: %1" : "", "Invalid session" : "", "S0003: create_user_session not enabled" : "", "S0001: User %1 not authorized: action.create_user_session" : "", "Missing userid" : "", "S0002: User not found: %1" : "", "Auth error: %1" : "", "Common" : "", "View Resources" : "", "Role" : "", "Collection" : "", "Admin Resources" : "", "Variables by environments" : "", "Search Resources" : "", "Missing parameter %1" : "", "Depends On" : "", "Depend On Me" : "", "Requests" : "", "Versions" : "", "Resource error: missing class or role parameter" : "", "parent" : "", "child" : "", "The changeset must be assigned to at least one project" : "", "The revision does not belong to any of the changeset projects" : "", "%1" : "", "Missing class for %1" : "", "CI %1 saved ok" : "", "CI error: %1" : "", "Invalid data format: form data is not hash" : "", "CI %1 not found" : "", "You do not have permission to save resource" : "", "Concurrency detected" : "", "Undefined action" : "", "User %1 not authorized to view resource %2 of class %3" : "", "Resource %1 loaded ok" : "", "Resource load error: %1" : "", "User %1 not authorized to admin resource of class %2" : "", "Resource class %1 loaded ok" : "", "Resource class load error: %1" : "", "User %1 not authorized to delete resource %2" : "", "Resources deleted ok" : "", "Error deleting resources: %1" : "", "User %1 not authorized to rollback resource %2" : "", "Rollback finished. New version created based on version %1" : "", "Rollback failed: %1" : "", "User %1 not authorized to export resource %2" : "", "Resources exported ok" : "", "Error exporting resources: %1" : "", "Items must be selected" : "", "Missing parameter classname" : "", "User %1 not authorized to admin resources of class %2" : "", "User %1 not authorized to view a resource of class %2" : "", "User %1 not authorized to import resources" : "", "Invalid data" : "", "Resource class does not match current input grid (%1): %2" : "", "Resources created: %1" : "", "Resources created: %1, resources updated: %2" : "", "Unknown format: %1" : "", "No class name defined for ci %1 (%2)" : "", "Invalid field: %1" : "", "Related resource not found: %1" : "", "Missing param method" : "", "Method '%1' not found in class '%2'" : "", "Method '%1' not found in mid or class '%2'" : "", "%1 created resource" : "", "%1 updated resource" : "", "%1 updated the field `%2` from `%3` to `%4`" : "", "Missing calendar field(s)" : "", "Fieldlet `%1` not in the database for any of the selected topic categories. Removed or misspelled?" : "", "User can call the api functions" : "", "API Error: %1" : "", "%1 bad request" : "", "%1 not available for topics" : "", "Category and status cannot be modified" : "", "Project %1 not found" : "", "User has no permission to edit fields: %1 for project %2 and they are mandatory" : "", "Topic %1 %2 by %3" : "", "Category, title and status parameters are needed to create a new topic " : "", "Category %1 is not correct" : "", "User %1 is not allowed to create topics of category %2" : "", "Status %1 is not correct" : "", "Parameter 'status' is needed to transition a topic" : "", "Topic %1 status changed to %2 by %3" : "", "parameter action required (approve | reject)" : "", "User %1 not selected as reviewer of topic %2" : "", "MID needed for %1" : "", "Topic %1 not available" : "", "User %1 is not allowed to %2 topic %3 contents" : "", "User login or api_key is required" : "", "User does not have permission to access the API" : "", "Administrator (Deprecated)" : "", "Admin" : "", "Administer Daemons" : "", "Daemons" : "", "Daemon" : "", "Daemon started" : "", "Daemon stopped" : "", "Daemon added" : "", "Error adding Daemon: %1" : "", "Daemon modified" : "", "Error modifying Daemon: %1" : "", "Daemon deleted" : "", "Error deleting Daemon" : "", "Change dashboards in explorer (Deprecated)" : "", "Your current version of mongo (%1) does not support `$lookup` feature." : "", "Please, update to version 3.2 or higher" : "", "No dashboards found for user %1" : "", "Dashboards" : "", "Dashboard has been deleted" : "", "Dashboard not found: %1" : "", "Saved Dashboard" : "", "Error listing jobs: %1 " : "", "Other" : "", "Empty" : "", "Topics open by category" : "", "Daily highlights" : "", "Administer Events" : "", "Events" : "", "Failed to get registry on event: %1" : "", "rule %1: [%2] %3" : "", "Notifications" : "", "Event status changed to: %1" : "", "File %1 does not exist" : "", "Git parsing error: %1" : "", "User %1 does not have update access to the repository" : "", "Invalid or unauthorized git repository path %1" : "", "Project `%1` not found" : "", "User: %1 does not have access to the project %2" : "", "Repository `%1` not found for project `%2`" : "", "Cannot update internal tag %1" : "", "Authentication failed for user '%1': %2" : "", "CLARIVE: %1: %2" : "", "Git error: %1 %2 (user=%3)" : "", "files" : "", "changes" : "", "commits" : "", "(and %1 more...)" : "", "Invalid doc path: `%1`" : "", "View Jobs" : "", "Environment" : "", "Restart Jobs" : "", "Reschedule Jobs" : "", "Rollback Jobs" : "", "Force Rollback" : "", "Change default pipeline in job new window" : "", "Run Jobs In-Proc, within the Web Server" : "", "Create a job outside of the available time slots" : "", "Can access the advanced menu in job detailed log" : "", "Latest" : "", "Job %1 not found" : "", "Job %1 is currently running" : "", "Job has dependencies due to later jobs. Environment cannot be updated. Rollback cancelled." : "", "Job rollback requested by %1" : "", "Job %1 rollback scheduled" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to action %2" : "", "Unverified" : "", "Error: logfile not found or invalid: %1" : "", "Error: %1" : "", "Stash saved ok" : "", "Pipeline %1 is not available for these projects" : "", "User %1 doesn't have permissions to delete a job" : "", "Job already cancelled" : "", "Error deleting job_log" : "", "User %1 doesn't have permissions to cancel a job" : "", "Job cancelled by user %1" : "", "User %1 doesn't have permissions to create a job" : "", "User %1 doesn't have permissions to create a job out of calendar" : "", "No job contents" : "", "The user %1 has created job %2 for %3" : "", "Job %1 created" : "", "Error creating job: %1" : "", "EXPIRED" : "", "RUNNING" : "", "FINISHED" : "SUCCESS", "CANCELLED" : "", "ERROR" : "", "KILLED" : "", "TRAPPED" : "", "TRAPPED_PAUSED" : "", "WAITING" : "", "IN-EDIT" : "", "READY" : "", "APPROVAL" : "", "ROLLBACK" : "ROLLBACK RUNNING", "REJECTED" : "", "PAUSED" : "", "RESUME" : "", "SUSPENDED" : "", "ROLLBACKFAIL" : "ROLLBACK ERROR", "ROLLEDBACK" : "ROLLBACK SUCCESS", "PENDING" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to resume jobs for environment %2" : "", "Job %1 resumed" : "", "Error resuming the job: %1" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to reschedule jobs for environment %2" : "", "Job %1 rescheduled" : "", "Error rescheduling the job: %1" : "", "Error grouping jobs: %1" : "", "Administer Labels" : "", "Topic not found: %1" : "", "User (%1) does not have permission to attach a label" : "", "User (%1) does not have permission to detach a label" : "", "Labels attached" : "", "Labels detached" : "", "Labels updated" : "", "Error assigning Labels: %1" : "", "Label removed" : "", "Label deleted" : "", "Error deleting label: %1" : "", "Error attaching labels: %1" : "", "Error detaching labels: %1" : "", "Label added" : "", "Validation failed" : "", "Label name already exists" : "", "Label does not exist" : "", "Label modified" : "", "Labels deleted" : "", "Error deleting Labels" : "", "The log does not exist" : "", "Executed JOBS for %1" : "", "Added" : "", "Deleted" : "", "Modified" : "", "Removed" : "", "User *%1* has uploaded file '%2'" : "", "File saved to job %1 log: %2" : "", "Log row not found: %1" : "", "unauthorized" : "", "Error deleting the message " : "", "Message '%1' deleted" : "", "All Messages deleted" : "", "Error getting notification recipients" : "", "Error getting notification scopes" : "", "Notification added" : "", "Notification updated" : "", "Error adding notification: %1" : "", "Notifications deleted" : "", "Error deleting notifications" : "", "Error getting email templates" : "", "Missing parameter id" : "", "Notify not found for id %1" : "", "Error exporting: %1" : "", "Missing parameter yaml" : "", "Created notify %1" : "", "Updated notify %1" : "", "Notify created with id %1 and event_key %2:" : "", "Notify %1 updated" : "", "Notify created with id %1 and event_key: %2" : "", "finished" : "", "Error importing: %1" : "", "Error: plugin id `%1` not found" : "", "Invalid plugin file path: %1" : "", "Error running plugin controller (%1): %2" : "", "Could not find a handler for controller %1" : "", "Invalid or missing controller handler in path" : "", "REPL" : "", "REPL Languages" : "", "JS Reload (Deprecated)" : "", "Wipe Cache" : "", "ExtJS API Reference (Deprecated)" : "", "ExtJS Examples (Deprecated)" : "", "Sequences" : "", "Development" : "", "JS Reload" : "", "Wipe Cache Grid" : "", "ExtJS API" : "", "ExtJS Examples" : "", "Error getting sequences: %1" : "", "Error sync updating sequences" : "", "Modified rows updated successfully" : "", "Error updating sequences: %1" : "", "Not authorized to use repl language `%1`" : "", "REPL run pid %1 not found. Finished already or on another server?" : "", "REPL run not found. Finished already or on another server?" : "", "REPL entry not found: %1" : "", "Missing REPL id" : "", "Cannot save: %1" : "", "Cannot download: %1" : "", "Cache cleared..." : "", "No permission" : "", "Cache grid cleared..." : "", "Email is not defined" : "", "Email does not exist" : "", "Error trying to restore password" : "", "Some fields are empty" : "", "Password does not match" : "", "User does not exist" : "", "Some mandatory fields are empty" : "", "Username or email already exists" : "", "This user has a pending invitation. Check your email or contact the administrator" : "", "Email does not match allowed domains" : "", "Please confirm your email address" : "", "Please input someone\\'s email to invite" : "", "Email already exists" : "", "Username already exists" : "", "Your invitation has been sent" : "", "Invitation is not valid" : "", "Your invitation has been resent" : "", "Reports" : "", "Invalid report type" : "", "My Reports" : "", "New report" : "", "Public Reports" : "", "All" : "", "Internal Reports" : "", "Rule Reports" : "", "Edit" : "", "Delete" : "", "Missing username" : "", "Missing category_id" : "", "Error user does not exist. " : "", "Report name already exists, introduce another report name" : "", "Report added" : "", "Report modified" : "", "Error adding report %1" : "", "Error modifing report %1" : "", "Report deleted" : "", "Error deleting report %1" : "", "Categories" : "", "Dynamic" : "", "%1 posted a review: %3" : "", "User posted a review" : "", "Track" : "", "@%1 created a review for %2" : "", "You are not allowed to delete this review comment" : "", "review comment deleted" : "", "You are not allowed to edit this review comment" : "", "review comment edited" : "", "Administer Roles" : "", "Roles" : "", "Any" : "", "Role name already exists" : "", "Unknown role `%1`" : "", "Role created" : "", "Role modified" : "", "Error deleting the role " : "", "Role '%1' duplicated correctly" : "", "Error listing role users: %1" : "", "Error listing role projects: %1" : "", "User can access the menu" : "", "User can access the workspace view (Deprecated)" : "", "User can access the releases view (Deprecated)" : "", "User can access the repositories in a project" : "", "User can generate docs from topics and views (Deprecated)" : "", "Admin triggered a cache cleanup" : "", "Not Logged on" : "", "Error: Authentication required" : "", "invalid sessionid" : "", "invalid api-key" : "", "CAS starting session for username: %1" : "", "CAS Failed auth: no local user found" : "", "CAS Failed auth: unknown ticket" : "", "Administer Rules" : "", "Rule" : "", "Rule Designer" : "", "SOAP WS ready to return" : "", "SOAP WS is ready" : "", "SOAP WS has been compiled and is ready for use" : "", "System" : "", "Send notification by email" : "", "Row with id %1 not found" : "", "activated" : "", "deactivated" : "", "Rule %1 %2" : "", "Missing data" : "", "Invalid rule format" : "", "Rule imported as %1" : "", "Rule %1 deleted" : "", "`%1` rule `%2` already exists, introduce another name" : "", "Rule %1 saved" : "", "Error saving rule: %1" : "", "Control" : "", "Workflow" : "", "Generic" : "", "Blueprint" : "", "Job" : "", "Dashlets" : "", "Fieldlets" : "", "Rules" : "", "Rule id %1 missing. Deleted?" : "", "Corrupt or incorrect json rule tree: %1" : "", "Issues found" : "", "No issues found" : "", "Rule did not pass Quality Gate. Max severity is set to `%1`" : "", "Rule statements saved with errors: %1" : "", "Rule statements saved ok" : "", "Error testing DSL build: %1" : "", "Any rule has been asigned" : "", "Rule with id %1 not found" : "", "Simulation of modification of rule statements" : "", "Rule deleted" : "", "Version not found: %1" : "", "Rule rollback to %1 (%2). New version=%3" : "", "Rule version tagged" : "", "Rule version untagged" : "", "Current: %1; %2 (%3)" : "", "Version: %1; %2 (%3)" : "", "Version %1 is the same as %2" : "", "Saved version %1 is identical to yours" : "", "Key %1 not found in registry" : "", "Service '%1' does not have either a form or a config" : "", "project `%1` not found" : "", "repository `%1` not found" : "", "no rulebooks found for project=%1, repository=%2, path=%3" : "", "more than one rulebook found for project=%1, repository=%2, path=%3" : "", "Rule WS Elapsed: %1s" : "", "no `ws_response` set on rule" : "", "Rule %1 not found" : "", "Rule %1 type is invalid: not rulebook, independent or webservice: %2" : "", "Error attempting to set response method '%1': invalid parameter" : "", "SOAP WS warnings detected: %1" : "", "Error setting up WSDL operations: %1" : "", "Rule tree of %1 loaded successfully" : "", "%1 rule_id not found" : "", "Missing parameter id_category" : "", "Error building diagram: %1" : "", "Start" : "", "Error getting rule scopes" : "", "Regex to filter provider packages" : "", "Limit sent to provider" : "", "Max length of excerpt string" : "", "Max number of highlighted tokens excerpts" : "", "Missing provider" : "", "Missing query" : "", "Administer Semaphores" : "", "Semaphores" : "", "Semaphore not found or status changed from %1" : "", "Granted semaphore %1 to %2" : "", "Semaphore not found %1" : "", "Semaphore not found %1 or number of slots reached" : "", "Semaphore %1 slots changed to %2" : "", "Missing parameter id from" : "", "Missing parameter id to" : "", "Destination semaphore does not exist. Please, refresh" : "", "Source semaphore does not exist. Please, refresh" : "", "Semaphore queue precedence changed to %2" : "", "Requests purged" : "", "Missing parameter active" : "", "Error: Semaphore is already busy." : "", "Semaphore request active" : "", "Semaphore request inactive" : "", "Calendaring" : "", "View Job Calendar" : "", "Edit Job Calendar" : "", "Admin Job Calendar" : "", "Calendar" : "", "Namespace" : "", "Namespace Description" : "", "created" : "", "creating" : "", "A calendar (%1) already exists for namespace %2 and environment %3" : "", "modified" : "", "modifying" : "", "Calendar with id '%1' %2" : "", "Error %1 the calendar: " : "", "Calendar(s) deleted" : "", "Error deleting calendar(s)" : "", "Error: Window with id not found." : "", "Error: Unknown or incomplete command." : "", "Calendar modified." : "", "Error modifying the calendar:
" : "", "You do not have permissions to open this calendar" : "", "Snapshots" : "", "Snapshot" : "", "Administer Snapshots" : "", "Snapshot taken" : "", "Error taking snapshot" : "", "Error exporting snapshot" : "", "Not a file" : "", "Upload failed" : "", "Snapshot import error" : "", "Snapshot deleted" : "", "Error deleting snapshot" : "", "Swarm" : "", "Unknown" : "", "New" : "", "Administer System Messages" : "", "System Messages" : "", "System Message" : "", "Missing message id" : "", "Missing action" : "", "Admin topics" : "", "View related graph in topics" : "", "Topics" : "", "All Topics" : "", "All Releases" : "", "Releases" : "", "All Changesets" : "", "Changesets" : "", "Topics by Status" : "", "Create" : "", "Invalid report data for report %1" : "", "User does not have permission to edit mandatory field(s) %1 for project %2" : "", "Template not found: %1 (%2)" : "", "Topic #%1 not found. Deleted?" : "", "The topic category %1 does not have any initial status assigned. Contact your administrator." : "", "New: %1" : "", " (%1)" : "", "Problem found opening topic %1. The error message is: %2" : "", "Name" : "", "E-mail" : "", "Phone Number" : "", "No user details available" : "", "Username" : "", "The user %1 does not exist in Clarive" : "", "Error adding Comment: %1" : "", "Delete comment ok" : "", "Error deleting Comment: %1" : "", "This comment does not exist anymore" : "", "You're not the owner (%1) of the comment." : "", "Error opening comment: %1" : "", "No metadata found for this topic (%1)" : "", "No project field found for this topic (%1)" : "", "Project not found: %1" : "", "Project added to field '%1'" : "", "Error adding project %1" : "", "Modified Today" : "", "Created Today" : "", "Assigned To Me" : "", "Created by Me" : "", "Unread" : "", "Filter by date" : "", "Filter by user" : "", "General" : "", "Opened" : "", "Add status" : "", "Statuses" : "", "Add project" : "", "Projects" : "", "Add category" : "", "Add" : "", "Labels" : "", "no found" : "", "empty" : "", "Parent" : "", "to" : "", "from" : "", "until" : "", "View added" : "", "View name already exists, introduce another view name" : "", "Error adding View: %1" : "", "Views deleted" : "", "Error deleting views" : "", "Status not found: %1" : "", "File not found: %1" : "", "File uploaded" : "", "topic mid required" : "", "Deleted files from topic %1" : "", "More than one asset found for topic %1 matching name `%2`" : "", "No asset found for topic %1 matching name `%2`" : "", "File %1 not found" : "", "Changed status" : "", "Required field %1 is empty" : "", "Missing mid" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to drop into field %2" : "", "Topic #%1 added to #%2 in field `%3`" : "", "No editable or matching fields found in topics #%1 and #%2" : "", "No drop fields available in topics %1 or %2" : "", "Error adding topic #%1 to #%2: %3" : "", "Category" : "", "Administer Categories" : "", "Category added" : "", "Category name already exists, introduce another category name" : "", "Error adding Category: %1" : "", "Category modified" : "", "Error modifying Category: %1" : "", "Delete all topics first from the selected categories to delete them" : "", "Categories deleted" : "", "Error deleting Categories" : "", "Status added" : "", "Status name already exists, introduce another status name" : "", "Error adding Status: %1" : "", "Status modified" : "", "Error modifying Status: %1" : "", "Statuses deleted" : "", "Error deleting Statuses: %1" : "", "Categories admin" : "", "Missing category id" : "", "Error deleting relationships: %1" : "", "Relationship deleted: %1" : "", "Category duplicated" : "", "Error duplicating category" : "", "Row deleted" : "", "Error deleting row: %1" : "", "Category not found for id %1" : "", "Created category %1" : "", "Updated category %1" : "", "Created status %1" : "", "Status %1 found. Statuses are not updated by this import." : "", "Status '%1' included in category" : "", "Topic category created with id %1 and name %2:" : "", "Topic category %1 updated" : "", "Global Preferences" : "", "Language" : "", "View Preferences" : "", "Theme" : "", "Administer Users" : "", "Users" : "", "User" : "", "New User" : "", "A user has been created in the system" : "", "Cannot change preferences for another user (%1 != %2)" : "", "Invalid pref key `%1`" : "", "Error saving user preference: %1" : "", "You are not allowed to view this page" : "", "Missing parameter username" : "", "User name already exists" : "", "New password required when changing user name" : "", "User %1 saved" : "", "Error saving user: %1" : "", "User deleted" : "", "Error deleting User: %1" : "", "User suspended" : "", "User unsuspended" : "", "Error suspending User: %1" : "", "User group saved" : "", "Error saving user group" : "", "Password changed" : "", "You must introduce a new password" : "", "User `%1` not found" : "", "Error changing Password %1" : "", "Password incorrect" : "", "Avatar refreshed" : "", "Changed user avatar" : "", "That username already exists, choose another one." : "", "User duplicated" : "", "Error duplicating user: %1" : "", "Error: File not found" : "", "Country info success" : "", "User Groups" : "", "User Group" : "", "User group name already exists" : "", "mid user group is reqired" : "", "Error setting users to user group" : "", "Missing id" : "", "User group deleted" : "", "Error deleting User group: %1" : "", "User group duplicated" : "", "Error duplicating user group" : "", "Config global environments" : "", "Environment Identifier" : "", "Environment Name" : "", "Error registering key %1: %2" : "", "Could not find registry class '%1' for key '%2'" : "", "Repo %1 not found" : "", "User %1 cannot access repositories of project %2" : "", "Close branch" : "", "Git" : "", "Title" : "", "Status" : "", "Created By" : "", "Created On" : "", "Modified By" : "", "Modified On" : "", "Error in event text generator: event not found" : "", "Remote Artifact Downloaded" : "", "Remote artifact downloaded to local repository" : "", "Source" : "", "Artifact Deployed Locally" : "", "Artifact deployed in the repository from a remote ip" : "", "Artifact Deployed Remotelly" : "", "Artifact deployed in the repository from a Clarive rule" : "", "Missing parameter: collection" : "", "Missing parameter: query" : "", "User not found for query %1" : "", "Missing parameter: update" : "", "Update user ok" : "", "Missing parameter mid" : "", "View catalog" : "", "Request catalog" : "", "Create personal dashboards" : "", "No dashboard defined" : "", "Invalid personal dashboard id: %1" : "", "Event daemon configuration" : "", "Event daemon starting with frequency %1, timeout %2, iterations %3, boost %4" : "", "Running event %1 (id %2)" : "", "event %1 failed (id=%2): %3" : "", "Finished event %1 (id %2), status: %3 (elapsed: %4)" : "", "Error: Could not instantiate ci data for event: %1" : "", "error opening content: %1 (path=%2): %3" : "", "Help file `%1` header content YAML is invalid: %2" : "", "Rule: %1 (%2)" : "", "
Tag: %1" : "", "Older" : "", "%1 Months" : "", "%1 Month" : "", "%1 Weeks" : "", "%1 Week" : "", "Upcoming" : "", "Today" : "", "There are not projects related with the changesets" : "", "There are not common pipelines for these changesets" : "", "Admin project labels" : "", "Attach labels to a topic (Deprecated)" : "", "Remove labels from a topic (Deprecated)" : "", "There is a label with that name" : "", "Label updated" : "", "Label does not exists" : "", "Id param missed" : "", "Email delivery failed" : "", "Send a Notification" : "", "Send an email" : "", "Email error. Email contents:
" : "", "Error in message mason template %1: %2" : "", "internal" : "", "Administer Notifications" : "", "Notification" : "", "Template by default" : "", "Exclude all default notifications" : "", "Email daemon frequency" : "", "Email daemon process queue timeout" : "", "Max message size in bytes" : "", "Max attach size in bytes" : "", "Email server" : "", "Please input your email server" : "", "Email default sender" : "", "Default email recipient when TO & CC are empty" : "", "Email domain" : "", "Auto generate emails for users with empty email field" : "", "Max attempts" : "", "Base URL to access environment" : "", "Please input your base URL" : "", "Default template for emails" : "", "SMTP needs authentication" : "", "SMTP server user" : "", "SMTP server password" : "", "Email Daemon" : "", "Flush Email Queue Once" : "", "Error reading recipients: %1" : "", "template for %1: %2" : "", "Could not find template for %1" : "", "Root action - can do anything" : "", "User can admin his own projects" : "", "You do not have permissions to create projects" : "", "Missing topic parameter" : "", "Deploy to %1" : "", "Promote to %1" : "", "Demote to %1" : "", "%1 restored the password" : "", "User restored password" : "", "%1 got registered in Clarive" : "", "New User Registered" : "", "New user self-registered in Clarive" : "", "Username is required" : "", "Error restoring user password" : "", "Error registering user" : "", "Email is required" : "", "Email is required to activate an invitation" : "", "Email is required to delete an invitation" : "", "Show dynamics fields" : "", "View Reports" : "", "View dynamics fields" : "", "View Internal Reports" : "", "Report" : "", "Report not found: %1" : "", "Unknown operation `%1`" : "", "Code is too long %1 > %2" : "", "Semaphore used in code" : "", "Nesting level is too deep %1 > %2" : "", "Rule is too long %1 > %2" : "", "Operation deprecated" : "", "Default operation name" : "", "Not used variable `%1`" : "", "Operation is too slow %1 > %2" : "", "No rollback logic found" : "", "Unknown variable `%1`" : "", "Semaphore" : "", "Trap" : "", "Could not find rule %1" : "", "Auto rename variables in rules" : "", "CAUTION: If activated, variable names will be changed in rules when renamed in CIs. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK" : "", "Quality analysis: Deny saving rule if severity is higher" : "", "Quality analysis: Enabled Policies" : "", "Run profiling for these rule types" : "", "Run profiling for these rules" : "", "Policy Settings" : "", "Rule Failed" : "", "Rule Created" : "", "User created a rule" : "", "Rule Updated" : "", "User updated a rule" : "", "Rule Deleted" : "", "Soap Error running Rule" : "", "Error Running Rule from WS" : "", "WSDL Error Running Rule from WS" : "", "Webservice rule call" : "", "Rule not found" : "", "User not found" : "", "Security" : "", "Data" : "", "Invalid rule tree json data: not an array" : "", "Missing id_rule" : "", "Missing dsl/service key for node %1" : "", "Could not find rule key `%1`" : "", "Statement `%1` (%2) is not after an IF block" : "", "Statement `%1` (%2) after IF in rollback, error trap, parallel more or closure" : "", "ELSE block `%1` cannot have rollback, parallel mode or error_trap closures" : "", "Error during rule precompilation: %1" : "", "IF var THEN" : "", "IF var ne value THEN" : "", "IF condition THEN" : "", "ELSE" : "", "ELSIF condition THEN" : "", "IF var in LIST THEN" : "", "TRY statement (without catch)" : "", "TRY statement (needs a catch)" : "", "CATCH statement (needs a try_with_catch)" : "", "RETRY statement" : "", "MERGE value INTO stash" : "", "DELETE hashkey" : "", "DELETE last trap action" : "", "WAIT for children" : "", "FOREACH stash[ variable ]" : "", "FOREACH CI" : "", "FOREACH SPLIT /re/" : "", "WHILE condition" : "", "DO WHILE condition" : "", "JOB STEP" : "", "a job step section: PRE,RUN,POST..." : "", "SUB" : "", "Just group tasks under this but do not run it" : "", "FAIL" : "", "abort here" : "", "Task Shortcut" : "", "Shortcut jumping to %%1" : "", "Missing shortcut `%%1`" : "", "LOG message" : "", "PRINT a string" : "", "ECHO a string with a new line" : "", "%1 posted a comment on %2: %3" : "", "Dummy Event" : "", "Dummy Event to Test a Rule" : "", "EXPECT VARS" : "", "SET VAR" : "", "PUSH VAR" : "", "SET EXPR" : "", "SET JS EXPR" : "", "SET VAR to CI" : "", "APPLY NATURE" : "", "STASH LOCAL" : "", "APPLY PROJECT" : "", "Current project *%%1* (%%2)" : "", "EVAL" : "", "DO" : "", "GROUP" : "", "FOR eval" : "", "Server CODE" : "", "CODE (Perl)" : "", "FOR projects with changes DO" : "", "Project *%%1* skipped for env %%2" : "", "FOR nature DO" : "", "Nature Detected *%%1*" : "", "IF ANY nature THEN" : "", "IF ANY env THEN" : "", "IF last trap status THEN" : "", "IF ROLLBACK" : "", "INCLUDE rule" : "", "CALL rule" : "", "Error building DSL for rule '%1': %2" : "", "Custom Folders" : "", "Cannot save. Rule id=%1 was deleted" : "", "Rule not found, id=%1" : "", "Rule version not found for restore, id=%1" : "", "Invalid scopes detected in import. Scopes have been reduced" : "", "Unknown rule `%1`" : "", "Error compiling WSDL:" : "", "Version tag already exists" : "", "Rule with id or name `%1` not found" : "", "Version `%1` of rule `%2` not found" : "", "Version tag `%1` of rule `%2` not found" : "", "Administer Scheduler" : "", "Scheduler" : "", "%1 created a task: %3" : "", "Task created" : "", "User created a task" : "", "%1 modified a task: %3" : "", "Task modified" : "", "User modified a task" : "", "%1 deleted a task: %3" : "", "Task deleted" : "", "User deleted a task" : "", "Task started" : "", "%1 activated a task: %3" : "", "Task activated" : "", "User activated a task" : "", "%1 deactivated a task: %3" : "", "Task deactivated" : "", "User deactivated a task" : "", "Task failed" : "", "Task ended" : "", "%1 killed a task: %3" : "", "Task killed" : "", "User killed a task" : "", "%1 truncated the log of task: %3" : "", "Log truncated" : "", "User truncated the log of a scheduled task" : "", "Checking if process $pid exists" : "", "Process $pid does not exist" : "", "Could not find rule or service for scheduler task run `%1` (%2)" : "", "Log truncated on %1 by %2" : "", "CIs" : "", "Configuration" : "", "Calendars" : "", "System Message Created" : "", "Admin has created a new system message" : "", "System Message Cancelled" : "", "Admin has cancelled a system message" : "", "System Message Deleted" : "", "Admin has deleted a system Message" : "", "Missing message title" : "", "Missing message text" : "", "System message %1 created" : "", "System message %1 canceled" : "", "System message %1 remove" : "", "Search topics" : "", "%1 posted a comment: %3" : "", "Topic Comment Posted" : "", "User posted a comment to a topic" : "", "Topic Internal Comment Posted" : "", "User posted a internal comment to a topic" : "", "%1 edited a comment: %3" : "", "Topic Edit Comment" : "", "User edited a comment in a topic" : "", "%1 edited a internal comment: %3" : "", "Topic Edit Internal Comment" : "", "User edited a internal comment in a topic" : "", "%1 deleted a comment: %3" : "", "Topic Comment Deleted" : "", "User deleted a comment in a topic" : "", "%1 deleted a internal comment: %3" : "", "Topic Internal Comment Deleted" : "", "User deleted a internal comment in a topic" : "", "%1 mentioned %4 in a comment #%2: %3" : "", "Topic Comment Mention" : "", "User mentioned another user in a comment" : "", "%1 mentioned %4 in a internal comment #%2: %3" : "", "User mentioned another user in a internal comment" : "", "%1 attached %2 to field %3" : "", "File Attached" : "", "User attached a file" : "", "%1 removed %2 file(s) from field %3: %4" : "", "File Removed" : "", "User removed file(s)" : "", "%1 modified labels" : "", "Topic Labels Modified" : "", "User modified labels" : "", "%1 remove labels" : "", "Topic Labels Removed" : "", "User removed labels from topic" : "", "%1 created a topic of %2" : "", "Topic Created" : "", "%1 deleted a topic of %2" : "", "Topic Deleted" : "", "User deleted a topic" : "", "%1 deleted multiple topics" : "", "Topics Deleted (Multiple)" : "", "User deleted multiple topics" : "", "%1 modified topic" : "", "Topic Modified" : "", "User modified a topic" : "", "%1 updated a revision in %2" : "", "Topic Revisions Updated" : "", "User updated a revision associated with the topic" : "", "field %2 modified from %3 to %4" : "", "Topic Field Modified" : "", "User modified a topic field" : "", "%1 modified the field %2" : "", "%1 changed topic status from %2 to %3" : "", "Topic Changed Status" : "", "%1 exported topic list" : "", "Topic List Exported" : "", "Change topic status logically (no deployment)" : "", "Create Topic" : "", "View Topic" : "", "Edit Topic" : "", "Change a topic to any available status in its category" : "", "Delete Topic" : "", "Post/View Topic Comments" : "", "Create Internal Topic Comments" : "", "View Internal Topic Comments" : "", "View Topic Activity" : "", "View Topic jobs" : "", "View Topic Field" : "", "Field" : "", "Edit Topic Field" : "", "Topic deleted: %1 #%2 %3" : "", "Topic deleted" : "", "Error deleting Topic %1: %2" : "", "Category %1 not found" : "", "Error running the topic workflow: %1" : "", "Category `%1` does not have any statuses available" : "", "User does not have a workflow for category `%1`" : "", "Category not found: %1" : "", "Fieldlet `%1` not found in registry: %2" : "", "Id not provided" : "", "filter param is required" : "", "Release" : "", "Changeset" : "", "Category not found" : "", "Missing %1" : "", "Added %1 to changeset %2 environments" : "", "Changeset %2 is already in %1. Skipping" : "", "Id not found: %1" : "", "Current topic status '%1' does not match the real status '%2'. Please refresh." : "", "%1: %2 #%3 %4" : "", "Error modifying Topic: %1" : "", "Created" : "", "param file is not a Path::Class::File - Object" : "", "The file %1 does not exist" : "", "topic_mid (%1) is not a topic" : "", "The related field does not exist for the topic: %1" : "", "Invalid file extension `.%1` for field `%2`" : "", "File has already been uploaded to this topic" : "", "File id %1 not found" : "", "Deleted %1 file(s)" : "", "Error removing file from topic %1. Error: %2" : "", "Missing field" : "", "Missing parameter name" : "", "Topic title content is mandatory. Please, write title with `non empty` characters." : "", "User '%1' does not have permission to change status from '%2' to '%3'" : "", "Missing parameter topic" : "", "Topic %1 without category assigned" : "", "User '%1' does not have permission to delete topics of category '%2'" : "", "Missing parameter category" : "", "User '%1' does not have permission to create topics of category '%2'" : "", "Topic %1 does not exist in the system" : "", "Topic %1 does not have attach fields" : "", "Assets %1 not found in editable fields from topic %2 for user %3" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to delete topic files from %2 fields" : "", "Referenced In" : "", "References" : "", "Attachments" : "", "Topic category has no form rule associated with it. Please contact your administrator." : "", "Category %1 does not have an associated form" : "", "Custom Fields" : "", "unassigned" : "", "Comment posted" : "", "@%1 posted a comment for %2 #%3" : "", "@%1 edit a post for %2 #%3 %4" : "", "Comment modified" : "", "@%1 deleted a post from %2 #%3 %4" : "", "One or more categories not found: %1" : "", "Topic added" : "", "New topic: %1 #%2 %3" : "", "Error adding Topic: %1" : "", "Topic modified" : "", "Topic updated: %1 #%2 %3" : "", "Missing topic_mid parameter" : "", "Cannot delete. Topic(s) in active jobs." : "", "Topics deleted" : "", "Error deleting topics: %1" : "", "Topic closed" : "", "Error closing Topic: %1" : "", "Invalid ci action '%1' for mid '%2'" : "", "save_doc failed: no mid" : "", "Field `%1` is missing the `slotname` column to properly be stored as a calendar" : "", "%1 #%2 %3: Field '%4' updated" : "", "Field `%1` is not editable in topic #%2" : "", "Incorrect type of topics added to field %1" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated: %4 changed" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated: new revisions" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated: all revisions removed" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated: %5 changed to %4" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated: removed from %5 %4" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated: %5 (%4)" : "", "%1 #%2 %3 updated: %4 deleted" : "", "%1 #%2 '%3' has been assigned to you" : "", "All users deleted from Topic %1 #%2" : "", "Category not found or topic deleted: %1" : "", "User %1 does not have permissions to view topic %2" : "", "It is not a topic, it cannot be opened." : "", "You don't have permissions to create topic of category %1" : "", "No initial state found" : "", "Cannot update topic category, topic not found: %1" : "", "Cannot update topic category status, topic not found: %1" : "", "Topic %1 does not have a status id" : "", "Status `%1` not found" : "", "Topic document not found for topic mid %1" : "", "User Security Updated by %1" : "", "User security updated" : "", "User updated by %1" : "", "User Updated" : "", "User updated" : "", "User %1 not found" : "", "Administer Roles Granted" : "", "%2 merged into release %3" : "", "Topic Merged Into Release" : "", "A topic branch has been merged into a release topic" : "", "%2 unmerged from release %3" : "", "Topic Unmerged from Release" : "", "A topic branch has been unmerged from a release topic" : "", "Conflicts found when merging %2 into release %3" : "", "Topic Merge Conflicts" : "", "Topic merge into release failed due to conflicts" : "", "Default configuration items cannot be removed" : "", "The topic needs a project" : "", "Changing status to Ready requires a release" : "", "Remove conflicts. Refresh the topic window and review the comments for instructions " : "", "You cannot do this transition while Last CI Status is %1" : "", "Not all topics are ready. Please, fix it and retry the change of status" : "", "Release branch not found in repository" : "", "Branch %1 is not ancestor" : "", "Merge problems. Refresh the topic window and review the topic comments for instructions " : "", "Merge conflicts. Refresh the topic window and review the comments for instructions " : "", "# Error trying to merge %1 into %2" : "", "# To fix manually, execute:" : "", "# Solve conflicts" : "", "# Then try to change the status to Ready again" : "", "Subtask %1 (not in To Do) cannot be removed" : "", "Cannot push to %1 branch. Blocked by configuration" : "", "Cannot push to branch %1 in status %2 due to the 'Allow NIP' option in the project configuration" : "", "No topic associated to branch %1. Cannot push to new branches" : "", "Repository %1 not found" : "", "Mongo error connecting to %1: %2" : "", "Retrying (%1) in %2 secs..." : "", "MongoC: new connection to db `%1`" : "", "MongoC error connecting to %1: %2" : "", "Error trying to open string asset: %1" : "", "Could not get filehandle for asset" : "", "%1:%3" : "", "Invalid asset data type: %1" : "", "Error indexing collection %1 (index: %2): %3" : "", "Collection %1 already has rows in it, cannot clone" : "", "Document not found: %1" : "", "Failed during mongo tail follow: %1" : "", "Invalid type for service in %1: %2 (%3)" : "", "Duplicate resource key detected: %1" : "", "CI must exist for update to work" : "", "CI mid cannot start with `name:` nor `mid:`" : "", "Attempted to save/update a resource that was deleted, mid=%1" : "", "MIDs cannot contain the character `%1`" : "", "no previous versions available" : "", "could not find a version %1 to rollback" : "", "Missing rel_type definition for %1 (class %2)" : "", "Could not update missing resource with mid %1" : "", "Missing mid `%1`" : "", "Master row not found for mid %1" : "", "Could not load CI class `%1`. Check if any plugins/features are missing" : "", "More than one row returned (%1) for CI load %2, mids found: %3" : "", "Could not instanciate CI `%1`%2: %3" : "", "Error running service %1 against ci %2: %3" : "", "Error trying to fatpack perl code. Could not find fatpack code in '%1'" : "", "MID missing. To put asset data CI must be saved first" : "", "No natures available to scan. Please, define some nature CIs before continuing." : "", "No natures included this item path: %1" : "", "Error building DSL for rule `%1`: %2" : "", "Children, number=%1, list=%2" : "", "Could not fork child from parent pid %1. Check max processes available with `ulimit -u`." : "", "Forked child task %1 with pid %2" : "", "Detected error in child %1 (%2): %3" : "", "Waiting for return code from children pids: %1" : "", "Error detected in children, pids failed: %1. Ok: %2" : "", "Done waiting for return code from children pids: %1" : "", "No children to wait for." : "", "Error ignored in rule: %1" : "", "Ignoring trap errors in rollback. Aborting task" : "", "Ignored error trapped in rule: %1" : "", "Error trapped in rule: %1" : "", "Could not store event for trapped error: %1" : "", "Cannot retry. Max retries reached: %1" : "", "%1 seconds remaining to cancel trap with action %2" : "", "Trap timeout expired. Action configured: %1" : "", "Retrying task: %1" : "", "Skipping task: %1" : "", "Aborting task: %1" : "", "Semaphore queued for %1" : "", "No project changes detected" : "", "Could not find any paths in nature items that match cut path `%1`" : "", "Could not find '%1' in registry" : "", "Error running task * %1 *: %2" : "", "Error running %1 code: %2" : "", "Unknown error running rule: %1" : "", "(no capture for this event)" : "", "Error running rule '%1' (%2): %3" : "", "(rule %1): %2" : "", "Error during DSL Execution: %1" : "", "Error running rule '%1': %2" : "", "Could not open rulebook file %1: %2" : "", "Rulebook file is empty: %1" : "", "error parsing YAML %1%2" : "", "Error parsing YAML" : "", "Invalid rulebook format. It should be valid YAML such as: %1" : "", "Invalid op `%1:` --> you probably meant `%2:`" : "", "vars: should be an array, not %1" : "", "Rule \"workspace:\" should be an array of \"project/repository:branch_or_ref\", not %1" : "", "Rulebook cannot set `workspace:` when no user is in context" : "", "Rulebook cannot set `workspace:` when no workspace is set" : "", "import_vars: should be an array, not %1" : "", "export_vars: should be an array, not %1" : "", "Rule \"def:\" section should be a hash/object, not %1" : "", "Invalid `do` block. It should be either array or a code string, not %1" : "", "invalid op declaration in `def: %1`" : "", "Invalid `def: %1` declaration: not a hash or array" : "", "Missing or empty `do:` block in `%1` declaration" : "", "Cannot use both `required` and define `(...)` in `def: %1:`" : "", "Cannot use both `return_vars` and define `-> (...)` in `def: %1:`" : "", "Define body for moniker `%1` should be a hash/object" : "", "Missing required arg `%1` for `def: %2`" : "", "To send a single value to defined op, declare a single argument for `%1 (arg):`, not %2" : "", "Invalid var name `%1` in op definition `%2`" : "", "Duplicate var `%1` in op definition `%2`" : "", "error: op not found %1" : "", "error: no ops available in this installation" : "", "Error while running rulebook `%1`: %2" : "", "Error while parsing rulebook %1: %2" : "", "Could not include rulebook from file `%1`, missing `do:` section" : "", "Error building DSL for rulebook '%1': %2" : "", "Resource not found for value `host`: %1" : "", "Invalid resource type for `host`" : "", "Could not find a worker with tags [%1] for context %2" : "", "invalid value for `worker:`, must be either a workerid or { tags: [...] }" : "", "Could not find any free workers for context %2" : "", "Could not find a worker with id `%1` for context %2" : "", "Each op should be a hash/object, but instead found invalid type %1" : "", "Rule op node key `%1` not found" : "", "Error loading rulebook ops, duplicate moniker `%1`, already registered to %2" : "", "`vars:` require an array of key: value pairs, not %1" : "", "Rule \"import:\" section should be a hash/object, not %1" : "", "Invalid import entry format `%1`, should be str/hash" : "", "Invalid import %1" : "", "Import path `%1` not found. Maybe missing a `workspace:` op?" : "", "Missing import moniker" : "", "Duplicate moniker %1 while processing import %2" : "", "Each op should be a single pair of key: value, but found more %1" : "", "Invalid workspace repository `%1`" : "", "Invalid workspace repository name `%1`, remove the final slash /: %2" : "", "[git] checked out %1" : "", "Moniker `%1` requires a hash, not `%2`" : "", "Argument `%1` not available for op \"%2\"" : "", "Redundant arguments `%1` found for op `%2`" : "", "Required argument(s) missing for op \"%1\": %2" : "", "Could not scan file %1" : "", "Could not find default dashboard data!" : "", "Timeout waiting for semaphore: %1s" : "", "Waiting for semaphore %1 (%2) for %3 sec" : "", "Cancelled semaphore %1 due to missing record" : "", "Status changed to %1 from outside for semaphore %2 (%3)" : "", "Cancelled semaphore %1 due to status %2" : "", "Process not in queue! Enqueuing again %1 (%2)" : "", "Queue busy (%1) < slots (%2)! Set slot=%1 for semaphore %3 (%4)" : "", "Released busy semaphore %1 (%2)" : "", "Semaphore %1 (%2) could not update slots. Duplicate semaphore?" : "", "Semaphore %1 (%2) was not in queue! Duplicate semaphore?" : "", "Released not busy semaphore %1 (%2)" : "", "Could not parse date %1 with format %2" : "", "Could not open template file %1" : "", "Error loading template '%1': '%2'" : "", "Could not open file %1: %2" : "", "Missing parameter source" : "", "Missing parameter zipfile" : "", "Could not create zip file `%1`: %2" : "", "Could not find dir `%1` to zip" : "", "Invalid date format `%1`" : "", "Invalid or missing CI: %1" : "", "Error while reloading %1: %2" : "", "%1 is not a dir" : "", "in %1 days" : "", "in 1 day" : "", "today" : "", "just now" : "", "%1 seconds ago" : "", "1 minute ago" : "", "%1 minutes ago" : "", "1 hour ago" : "", "%1 hours ago" : "", "1 day ago" : "", "%1 days ago" : "", "1 week ago" : "", "%1 weeks ago" : "", "1 month ago" : "", "%1 months ago" : "", "1 year ago" : "", "%1 years ago" : "", "async_request: missing or invalid queue configuration: either configure web_queue to 'host:port', or web_host and web_port" : "", "Missing parameter source_dir" : "", "Missing parameter tarfile" : "", "Could not create tar file `%1`: %2" : "", "Could not find dir `%1` to tar" : "", "Incorrect regexp in $pattern" : "", "d" : "", "h" : "", "m" : "", "s" : "", "Unresolved vars: '%1' in %2" : "", "Unexpected reference found in %1" : "", "Deep recursion in parse_vars for variable `%1`, path %2" : "", "Base Repository Path" : "", "Repository groups (JSON string)" : "", "Denied filenames, blank to allow all" : "", "Allowed image paths, blank to depend on filename white/blacklists" : "", "Denied image paths, blank to allow all" : "", "JSON mime-types for artifacts download" : "", "Default Content-type for artifacts download" : "", "Can read repository" : "", "Repository" : "", "Can write to repository" : "", "Can delete from repository" : "", "Artifacts" : "", "Publish files in the artifacts repository" : "", "Catalog artifacts service" : "", "Missing parameter repository" : "", "Missing parameter path" : "", "Missing parameter origin" : "", "Repository %1 does not exist" : "", "Origin file %1 does not exist" : "", "Error copying file %1 to %2: %3" : "", "User Logout" : "", "Login Failed" : "", "Login by SAML Ok" : "", "Login by SAML Failed" : "", "Login by CAS Ok" : "", "Login by CAS Failed" : "", "Surrogate Ok" : "", "Surrogate Failed" : "", "User Login Attempt" : "", "Authorize User Login" : "", "Deny User Login" : "", "Login Error Message" : "", "Variable" : "", "%1 created a new CI: %3" : "", "Resource Created" : "", "%1 updated a CI" : "", "Resource Updated" : "", "%1 modified the field %2 from %3 to %4" : "", "Resource Modified" : "", "User modified a ci field" : "", "%1 deleted a CI: %3" : "", "Resource Deleted" : "", "All repositories should be %1" : "", "Looking for artifact in group `%1` (path=%2)" : "", "Artifact Group: Looking for artifact in repository `%1`" : "", "Artifact Group: Looking for artifact in remotes of repository `%1`" : "", "Artifact %1 not in group %2" : "", "Copying file from %1 to %2" : "", "Index repository catalog" : "", "Serving directory %2 from repo %1" : "", "Searching with prefix policy file %1" : "", "Searching with exact match file %1" : "", "Artifact `%1` not in local repository %2, dir=%3" : "", "File %1 catalogued" : "", "Artifact request `%1` denied because it doesn't belong to whitelisted_files `%2`" : "", "Artifact request `%1` blacklisted image `%2` due to blacklisted_images `%3`" : "", "Artifact request `%1` discarded image `%2`" : "", "Starting catalog artifacts in repository %1" : "", "Finished catalog artifacts in repository %1" : "", "Pom file %1 could not be parsed: %2" : "", "Artifact %1 catalogued" : "", "Error getting revision data for ns `%1` from SAP Transport Host" : "", "No complete repository checkout for ArtifactLocal repositories. Skipped" : "", "File %1 published" : "", "File %1 copied" : "", "Missing user" : "", "Missing password" : "", "Deploy authorization correct" : "", "This repository does not allow deploy" : "", "User or password incorrect" : "", "Artifact Remote proxy `%1`" : "", "Artifact remote `%1` from URL `%2` (repo_url=%3)" : "", "Artifact Remote status = %1" : "", "Remote error status=%1, msg=%2" : "", "Missing parameter repo" : "", "Could not find or create dir %1 for file %2" : "", "File %1 does not have a blob" : "", "Could not checkout to file '%1': %2" : "", "Create system tags" : "", "Removing %1 revisions" : "", "Removing revision mid %1" : "", "Cannot remove repository since it failed removing related revisions. Fix the error condition and retry.

Error: %1" : "", "Projects are required when creating environments for repositories with tags_mode project" : "", "Missing parameter tag needed for top revision" : "", "Could not find top revision in repository %1 for tag %2. Attempting to redeploy to environment?" : "", "Tag %3 sha set to %1 as it was in previous job %2" : "", "No last job detected for commit %1. Cannot redeploy it" : "", "Error: revision `%1` not found in repository %2" : "", "Error: tag `%1` not found in repository %2" : "", "Tag %1 (sha %2) is already on top" : "", "Tag %1 (sha %2) is already at the bottom" : "", "Looking for common history between %1 and %2" : "", "Revision [%1] is not in the top revision's history" : "", "No files for ref %1 in repository. Skipping" : "", "Could not find or create directory %1: %2" : "", "*Git*: checkout of repository %1 (%2) into `%3`" : "", "*Git* Job Elements %1" : "", "Promote environment %1 to %2: tag -f %1 %2" : "", "Promoted environment %1 to %2" : "", "Demote environment %1 to %2: tag -f %1 %2" : "", "Demoted environment %1 to %2" : "", "Updating environment %1 to %2: tag -f %1 %2" : "", "Updated environment %1 to %2" : "", "Error: No revisions passed/" : "", "The revision %2 must belong to %1 branch. You probably need to merge branches" : "", "Error: could not find tag %1 in repository. Repository tags are configured?" : "", "Not all given commits were found: %1" : "", "No changesets for this sha %1" : "", "This sha %1 is contained in more than one changeset: %2" : "", "Missing parameter tag" : "", "Could not find diff-tree data for item '%1'" : "", "Missing parameter repo_dir" : "", "Missing parameter repo_mid" : "", "Missing parameter sha" : "", "Verify Tracked Asset" : "", "Verifying using '%1' method: %2" : "", "Success" : "", "Failure" : "", "Error: file doesn't exist remotely" : "", "User %1 does not exist" : "", "Could not insert asset" : "", "Could not checkout topic file '%1'" : "", "balix: Error opening socket (host=%1, port=%2): %3" : "", "Could not create remote directory '%1': %2" : "", "Could not chmod '%1 %2': %3" : "", "Could not chown '%1 %2': %3" : "", "balix agent error: timeout during execute (tmout=%1 sec)" : "", "Could not find local directory to '%1'" : "", "balix: can't send file: could not find remote dir `%1` (dir_exists: %2)" : "", "balix: can't send file: remote dir is not writeable '%1'" : "", "balix: can't send file: missing remote dir in '%1'" : "", "balix: cannot send file: file not writeable `%1` (rc: %2)" : "", "balix: cannot send file: destination is a directory `%1`" : "", "Failed CRC check for remote file '%1'. Remote filesystem full?" : "", "Chunk size is zero for agent %1" : "", "Error reading file '%1' from '%2': %3" : "", "Balix: get_file: could not open local file '%1': %2" : "", "CAPTURE for item %1 with regex %2" : "", "Ping failed: %1" : "", "Error while creating a directory: %1" : "", "Could not Clax agent open stream file %1: %2" : "", "Error while executing a command: %1" : "", "Could not open local file `%1`: %2" : "", "Error while sending a file: %1" : "", "Remote file `%1` does not exist" : "", "Error while receiving a file: %1" : "", "CRC32 check failed" : "", "Error while removing a file: %1" : "", "Backend decision failed: %1" : "", "Could not open file for writing (%1): %2" : "", "Ping" : "", "timeout connecting to database %1 (timeout=%2)" : "", "Could not connect to database %1" : "", "Database error: %1 %2" : "", "Stopping SQL execution due to an error" : "", "Could not require package %1: %2" : "", "Environment %1 already exists" : "", "Cannot rename an environment. Remove it and create it again" : "", "Environment type %1 is not correct" : "", "FTP: Could not connect to host %1" : "", "FTP: No username/password were provided or could not be discovered" : "", "FTP: Could not login: %1" : "", "FTP: Could not change home directory to %1: %2" : "", "FTP: could not find local file %1" : "", "FTP: could not cwd to %1" : "", "ERROR: Server is not reachable: %1" : "", "ERROR: Could not connect: %1" : "", "Agent for server %1 is not online" : "", "Agent connection timeout (> %1 sec)" : "", "ERROR: could not find agent for this server (methods attempted: %1): %2" : "", "ERROR: no connections configured for this server" : "", "Grammar not found in %1" : "", "Missing server" : "", "Cannot connect to the IMAP server %1:%2. Error: %3" : "", "Cannot select mailbox %1. Error: %2" : "", "Number of new messages: %1" : "", "Cannot obtain the message %1. Message skipped. Error: %2" : "", "Error parsing message %1. Message skipped. Error: %2" : "", "Not available" : "", "Cannot save attached file %1. Error: %2" : "", "Cannot delete message %1. Error: %2" : "", "Could not find a default %1 job chain rule" : "", "Cannot resolve version tag `%1` of rule `%2`" : "", "Ignoring error loading job contents (Changeset removed?): %1" : "", "No previous job stash for this job. Job stash initialized" : "", "Found job stash for this job" : "", "Error loading job stash: %1" : "", "'%1' is in an active job: %2 (%3) with promote/demote to a different state (%4)" : "", "'%1' is in an active job to bl %3: %2" : "", "Revisions" : "", "Files" : "", "Missing job contents" : "", "Job contents: %1 total items" : "", "Error during Job Check: %1" : "", "Error during Job Init: %1" : "", "Job resumed by user %1" : "", "Job was not paused" : "", "************** %1 Requested JOB IN-PROC %2 ***************" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to start jobs in process" : "", "Cannot start job since status %1 != %2" : "", "User %1 has started job in process" : "", "************** Starting JOB IN-PROC %1 ***************" : "", "************** Finished JOB IN-PROC %1 ***************" : "", "Could not open logfile %1 for writing" : "", "Missing project for job %1" : "", "Job %1 is currently (%2) and cannot be rerun" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to re-run jobs" : "", "User %1 does not have permission to rerun and change status jobs" : "", "Job restarted by user %1, execution %2, step %3" : "", "Job %1 cannot be rescheduled unless its status is '%2' (current: %3)" : "", "Job %1 rescheduled by user %2 from `%3` to `%4`" : "", "Job %1 is currently running and cannot be deleted" : "", "User %1 is not authorized to approve job %2" : "", "Job %1 status has changed to %2 and it cannot be %3. Refresh your job monitor to see it\\'s actual status" : "", "approved" : "", "*Job Approved by %1*: %2" : "", "rejected" : "", "*Job Rejected by %1*: %2" : "", "no comment" : "", "Task response '*%1*' by *%2*: %3" : "", "Task response ignored (status not trapped) '*%1*' by *%2*: %3" : "", "Core" : "", "Data dump" : "", "Rule Runner, STEP=%1, PID=%2, RULE_ID=%3" : "", "Job rejected. Treated as failed" : "", "Job failure: %1" : "", "No need to rollback anything." : "", "Error during rollback. Environments are inconsistent, manual intervention required." : "", "Job step %1 finished with error" : "", "Job step %1 finished ok" : "", "Job step %1 finished with status %2" : "", "Job %1 saved and ready for: step `%2` and status `%3`" : "", "Could not write pid file for job: %1" : "", "Going from step %1 to next step %2 (status %3)" : "", "Job pausing..." : "", "Cannot pause job on CHECK or INIT status" : "", "unspecified" : "", "Paused. Reason: %1" : "", "Setting pause timeout at %1 seconds" : "", "Pause timed-out at %1 seconds" : "", "Pause finished due to status %1" : "", "Job cancelled while in pause" : "", "Job error while in pause" : "", "Suspending Job" : "", "Matcher scanning file %1..." : "", "%1 has match? %2" : "", "Missing parameter item" : "", "Undefined" : "", "Run Script" : "", "Missing attribute `path`" : "", "Missing parameter `user`" : "", "File skipped: %1" : "", "put-dir error: local file/dir not found: %1" : "", "ssh_agent execute error %1 (%2): %3" : "", "Timeout %1 (%2)" : "", "No mid, can't change status" : "", "Could not find status `%1`" : "", "Could now checkout topic file '%1'" : "", "User does not have permission to edit users" : "", "Password does not comply. Rule: %1" : "", "Password length is less than %1 characters. Rule: %1" : "", "date_format" : "", "class_date_format" : "", "class_date_time" : "", "Local file '%1' not found" : "", "Error sending file %1 sent to worker %2: %3" : "", "File %1 sent ok to worker %2" : "", "Error while sending a file from worker %1: %2" : "", "Error while receiving a file from worker %1: %2" : "", "Error getting file %1 from worker %2: %3" : "", "File %1 received ok from worker %2" : "", "Could not find file id %1 from worker %2" : "", "Last jobs by app" : "", "List jobs" : "", "List environments" : "", "Job chart" : "", "Job daily distribution" : "", "Resource Graph" : "", "Topics chart" : "", "List topics" : "", "Topics time line" : "", "Topics burndown" : "", "Sprint burndown" : "", "Topics period burndown" : "", "Topics burndown NG" : "", "Topics gauge" : "", "Topic Roadmap" : "", "Internet frame" : "", "Email messages" : "", "Project Pipeline" : "", "Infrastructure" : "", "Bidimensional query" : "", "Bidimensional period query" : "", "user %1 created the repository %2" : "", "Git Repository Created" : "", "user %1 updated the repository %2" : "", "Git Repository Updated" : "", "A Git repository was pushed into" : "", "Clarive completed startup" : "", "Clarive completed startup successfully" : "", "Included Into" : "", "Attach Files" : "", "Progress Bar" : "", "Star Rate" : "", "Calculated Numberfield" : "", "Datefield" : "", "Timefield" : "", "Resource List (CIs)" : "", "Resource Grid (CIs)" : "", "Combo" : "", "DB Query" : "", "Download All Files" : "", "Grid Editor" : "", "Milestones" : "", "Environment Planner" : "", "Planned Start" : "", "Planned End" : "", "Milestone" : "", "Planned End Date" : "", "Real End Date" : "", "HTML Editor" : "", "Pagedown Editor" : "", "Pills" : "", "Status Pie Chart" : "", "Status Changes" : "", "Topic Grid" : "", "Checkbox" : "", "Separator" : "", "Textfield" : "", "Preformatted Text" : "", "Password" : "", "Numberfield" : "", "Moniker" : "", "Description" : "", "Revision Box" : "", "Release Combo" : "", "Release Version" : "", "Project Combo" : "", "User Combo" : "", "Topic Selector" : "", "Planning list of topics" : "", "Environments Combo" : "", "Resource Combo (CIs)" : "", "Task Grid" : "", "Topic Category" : "", "Progress" : "", "User can close branches" : "", "Git Repository read/write permissions" : "", "Git Repository read-only" : "", "Create new repositories for Clarive projects" : "", "Can update system tags in repositories" : "", "Path to git-http-backend" : "", "Allow unauthenticated users to access the repository URL" : "", "Check Auth Always" : "", "Path to git repositories" : "", "Please input your git home" : "", "Path to git binary" : "", "Show tags in the Lifecycle tree" : "", "Hide commits already added to changeset" : "", "Truncate diff if its length exceeds this number" : "", "Create a Git Revision Job" : "", "Checkout a Git Revision" : "", "Fill job_elements" : "", "Link a git revision to the changesets in title" : "", "Create a tag in a Git repository" : "", "Create a branch in a Git repository" : "", "Missing repo" : "", "Missing tag name" : "", "Missing sha" : "", "Missing branch name" : "", "Could not find base branch '%1' for new branch '%2'" : "", "Missing type" : "", "Missing topic_branch" : "", "Missing into_branch" : "", "Missing from" : "", "Missing upstream" : "", "Parameter title missing" : "", "Parameter rev missing" : "", "Parameter field missing" : "", "Missing parameter revision" : "", "Missing parameter project" : "", "Adding namespace %1 to job" : "", "Could not find revision \"%1\"" : "", "Created job %1 of type %2 ok." : "", "*Git*: cloning project %1 repository %2 (%3) into `%4`" : "", "No dest env defined for env %1" : "", "Git Timesync: skipped repository %1: not in filter" : "", "Git Timesync for %1 started..." : "", "Git Timesync: no timestamp for `%1`" : "", "Git Timesync: touched files" : "", "Tools" : "", "List of patterns to be hidden in user outputs" : "", "Job Server Frequency" : "", "Job ID" : "", "Job Name" : "", "StartDate" : "", "MaxStartDate" : "", "EndDate" : "", "Job Naming Mask" : "", "Registry Entry to run" : "", "Default Pipeline ID" : "", "Comment" : "", "Check RFC on creation" : "", "Which phase of the job, pre, post or run" : "", "Normal Window Name" : "", "Emergency Window Name" : "", "Time to expiry a job in hours" : "", "Time to expiry a job in approval state" : "", "Delay after start running job to allow approval" : "", "1 to offer demote to each env in destination state" : "", "Changeset field to use as comment in monitor" : "", "Technologies" : "", "Applications" : "", "RFCs" : "", "Search jobs" : "", "Start new jobs" : "", "Resume Jobs" : "", "Cancel Jobs" : "", "Delete Job" : "", "Change job status on Post step" : "", "Approve/Reject any Job" : "", "View job monitor" : "", "Jobs" : "", "Monitor" : "", "Schedule a new job" : "", "Id" : "", "Level" : "", "Job Created" : "", "Deploy" : "", "Job Deleted" : "", "Job Cancelled" : "", "Job Cancelled While Running" : "", "Job Resume" : "", "Job resume running after a pause" : "", "Job Paused" : "", "Job Trapped" : "", "Job Untrapped" : "", "Job Trapped Pause" : "", "Job Expired" : "", "Job Rerun" : "", "Rerun a job" : "", "Job Retry" : "", "Retrying a job" : "", "Job Reschedule" : "", "Reschedule a job" : "", "Job Started" : "", "Job started running" : "", "Job Step Started" : "", "Job started running a step" : "", "Job POST Ended" : "", "Job ended and POST has finished running" : "", "Job Step Finished" : "", "Job step has finished running" : "", "Job Killed" : "", "Show provider tags in the Lifecycle tree" : "", "Error loading file %1: %2" : "", "Releases: %1" : "", "Repositories: %1" : "", "Jobs: %1" : "", "%1 - %2" : "", "User can access the project lifecycle" : "", "Config lifecycle releases" : "", "Releases depth level in cascade" : "", "Open..." : "", "---- provider %1 has %2 changesets" : "", "Error detected: %1" : "", "Error loading changes for provider %1: %2" : "", "Parent menu not found" : "", "$node->{item}" : "", "Resources" : "", "%1 Help Doc(s) Found" : "", "Exclude all notifications" : "", "Email daemon process_queue timeout" : "", "Email Flush Queue Once" : "", "Job Stats by Environment" : "", "#Failed" : "", "%Failed" : "", "#Cancelled" : "", "%Cancelled" : "", "#Correct" : "", "%Correct" : "", "Total Execs" : "", "Avg Execs" : "", "Total Jobs" : "", "Job List" : "", "Changes" : "", "Env" : "", "Natures" : "", "releases" : "", "End" : "", "Executions" : "", "Monthly Job Stats" : "", "Month" : "", "Failed" : "", "Cancelled" : "", "Correct" : "", "Total runs" : "", "Avg runs" : "", "Total jobs" : "", "Changes in user permissions" : "", "Date" : "", "Modified by" : "", "Old" : "", "Groups" : "", "Areas" : "", "Trending Requests by Month" : "", "Closed" : "", "Monthly request trend" : "", "January" : "", "February" : "", "March" : "", "April" : "", "May" : "", "June" : "", "July" : "", "August" : "", "September" : "", "October" : "", "November" : "", "December" : "", "User roles by project" : "", "Project" : "", "User roles by project and group" : "", "Project/Group" : "", "Type" : "", "Weekly Job Stats" : "", "Run Rulebook Files" : "", "Could not find any rulebooks in paths: %1" : "", "Index Rulebook Files" : "", "Indexing rulebook in %1 projects" : "", "Indexed %1 rulebook(s)" : "", "Could not find root directory: %1" : "", "Web Response" : "", "Build response to webservice rule" : "", "Pills Fieldlet" : "", "Combo Fieldlet" : "", "Grid Editor Fieldlet" : "", "Grid field type invalid: %1" : "", "Text Fieldlet" : "", "Textarea Fieldlet" : "", "Date Fieldlet" : "", "Time Fieldlet" : "", "Richtext Fieldlet" : "", "Richtext (HTML) Editor Fieldlet" : "", "Upload Fieldlet" : "", "Removes Fieldlet" : "", "Removes Fieldlets by Name or Id" : "", "Disables Fieldlets" : "", "Disables Fieldlets by Name or Id" : "", "Field `%1` id `%2` is invalid. Field ids need to be at least 6 alphanumeric chars long without spaces and cannot start with underscore or numbers" : "", "Field id `%1` is reserved for internal use" : "", "VAR-VALUE pair sets" : "", "Return from rulebook declared ops" : "", "Rulebook Define Subroutines" : "", "Call another Rulebook and run its do section" : "", "FOREACH value into var" : "", "WHILE loop" : "", "IF JS COND" : "", "Error in `if:` condition %%1: %%2" : "", "TRY-CATCH" : "", "Set a Docker image as default for commands" : "", "Set a Docker image to run commands from" : "", "Write a local or remote file" : "", "The `worker:` and `host:` arguments are mutually exclusive" : "", "Run a local script" : "", "`host` and `image` are mutually exclusive in `shell:`" : "", "[fail] command %1 failed with return code %2" : "", "op `log` options `file`, `body`, `dump` and `link` are mutually exclusive" : "", "Import var from global stash" : "", "import_vars: cannot import the internal variable `%1` starting with `_`" : "", "import_vars: var `%%1` does not exist" : "", "Export var to global stash" : "", "export_vars: cannot export the variables starting with `_`: %1" : "", "export_vars: var `%%1` does not exist" : "", "Main rulebook body container" : "", "Used to assign to vars" : "", "Run rule ops or ClaJS code" : "", "do: invalid statement, should be String (ClaJS) or Array (Rulebook ops)" : "", "Run a rulebook imported op from a file" : "", "Import file `%1` not found" : "", "Import file `%1` is not executable" : "", "Error rc=%1 running import `%2`: %3" : "", "Error running import `%1`" : "", "Error running import `%1`: invalid JSON output: %2" : "", "Rulebook modules must return a JSON hash into the CLARIVE_RETURN key: %1 But you returned: %2" : "", "Invoke resource methods" : "", "Create Resource" : "", "Load related resources" : "", "Load resource data" : "", "Load resources that match conditions" : "", "Resource %1 not found" : "", "Missing class" : "", "Web Request" : "", "HTTP request failed: %1\\nUrl: %2\\nCode: %3" : "", "HTTP request failed: %1\\nUrl: %2\\nArgs: %3" : "", "Name of category created" : "", "Name of field for service-task relation" : "", "Limit Catalog to these project names" : "", "Draft status for wizard" : "", "Catalog - IF var THEN" : "", "Folder" : "", "Service" : "", "Task Group" : "", "Task" : "", "CATALOG STEP" : "", "a task step section: MENU,WIZZARD,RUN..." : "", "Form" : "", "Tasks list" : "", "Load Job Items into Stash" : "", "Update Environments" : "", "Sync Environments" : "", "Verify Revision Integrity Rules" : "", "Checkout Job Items" : "", "Checkout Job Environment" : "", "Checkout Job Environment ... all repos" : "", "Clone Job Repositories" : "", "Load Nature Items" : "", "Update Changesets" : "", "Change Topic Status" : "", "Update Changesets Environments" : "", "Missing or invalid parameter topics" : "", "Missing or invalid parameter new_status" : "", "Changing status for topic %1 to status %2" : "", "Changesets status not updated. Static job." : "", "No last status data for changeset %1. Skipped." : "", "Status row not found for status `%1`" : "", "Moving changeset %1 (#%2) to status *%3* (%4)" : "", "Updating environment for %1 project(s) to %2" : "", "Searching for original environment in %1" : "", "Rollbacking environment %1 for repository %2, job type %3" : "", "Could not find previous revision for repository: %1 (%2)" : "", "Updating environment %1 for repository %2, job type %3" : "", "Environment update of %1 item(s) completed" : "", "Synchronizing environment `%1` with `%2`" : "", "Environment `%1` synchronized with `%2`" : "", "Checking job revisions" : "", "Verifying environment %1 for repository %2, job type %3" : "", "Revisions selected" : "", "Environment verified for repository %1" : "", "Loading items into stash... (type=%1, env=%2)" : "", "No project assigned to changeset %1" : "", "Grouping items for revision" : "", "Found %1 items for this job" : "", "Missing job_dir" : "", "Checking out environment for %1 project(s)" : "", "Full depth" : "", "Cloning revisions for %1 project(s). Depth: %2" : "", "Error during repository clone" : "", "Could not checkout or clone repository %1" : "", "Checking out revision %1 for project %2, repository %3: %4" : "", "Top revision checkout of %1 item(s) completed" : "", "Checking out environment %1 for project %2, repository %3: %4" : "", "Environment checkout of %1 item(s) completed" : "", "Checked out %1 item(s) to %2" : "", "Starting nature analysis for all job items..." : "", "Project items before for %1" : "", "Job natures after push" : "", "Project items for %1" : "", "Project natures for %1" : "", "Nature check log" : "", "%1 analysis executed in %2 seconds" : "", "%1 nature(s) detected in job items: %2" : "", "No natures detected in job items" : "", "Request Approval" : "", "Approval requested for job %3 (user %1)" : "", "Job Approve Requested" : "", "approval requested for job" : "", "Job %3 Approved" : "", "Job Approved" : "", "Job %3 Rejected" : "", "Job Rejected" : "", "Applications: %1. Requesting approval for job %2" : "", "Create a Job" : "", "The user %1 has created job %2 for %3 env" : "", "Job %1 created ok" : "", "Deploy SQL from Nature Items" : "", "SQL Query %1 executed ok (mode %2)" : "", "SQL %1 Query error (mode %3): %2" : "", "Error processing SQL" : "", "Commit All Transactions" : "", "Rollback All Transactions" : "", "DB Backup Schema Objects" : "", "Schema backup ok" : "", "DB COMMIT transaction %1" : "", "DB COMMIT transactions: %1" : "", "Error during commit transactions: %1" : "", "DB ROLLBACK transaction %1" : "", "Dispatcher configuration" : "", "Dispatcher Service" : "", "Cannot start instance %1. Already running in host %2" : "", "Checking for daemons started/stopped" : "", "Cannot connect to database after %1 retries: %2" : "", "Could not start service %1. Service ignored: %2" : "", "Load files/items into stash" : "", "FOREACH file/item" : "", "Tar Local Files" : "", "Zip Local Files" : "", "Tar Nature Files" : "", "Zip Nature Files" : "", "Ship a File Remotely" : "", "Retrieve a Remote File" : "", "Sync Local and Remote Directories" : "", "Create Remote Directory" : "", "Publish local file to log" : "", "Write Local File" : "", "Delete Local File" : "", "Delete Local Directory" : "", "Parse a Config File" : "", "Parses a string or file" : "", "Write a Config File" : "", "Dumps a data structure to a variable or file" : "", "Register Tracked Asset" : "", "Root path not configured" : "", "Path does not exist or is not readable: `%1`" : "", "Filter paths, include, excludes" : "", "Tar of directory '%1' into file '%2'" : "", "Zip of directory '%1' into file '%2'" : "", "Nature path not relative for file `%1`. This file will not be included in the tar. Check your IF NATURE `Cut Path` has at least a slash `/`" : "", "Zip source '%1' into file '%2'" : "", "File content written: '%1'" : "", "Missing parameter file" : "", "Could not find file `%1` nor `%2` to store" : "", "Server not configured" : "", "Server %1 is inactive. Skipped" : "", "Could not instanciate CI for server `%1`" : "", "Connecting to server %1" : "", "local_mode=%1, local list" : "", "Ship output" : "", "Ship failed for server %1: %2" : "", "Shipped %1 files to server %2" : "", "Error: No local files were found" : "", "Could not find any file locally to ship to '%1'" : "", "Tracked asset %1 (%2) was modified" : "", "Getting backup file from remote '%1' to '%2'" : "", "No existing file detected to backup: '%1'" : "", "Error reading backup file from remote. Ignored: '%1'" : "", "Error during file backup" : "", "Rollback switch to local file '%1'" : "", "Could not find rollback file %1" : "", "Rollback switch to local file '%1', but no for the file '%2'" : "", "File `%1` already in machine `%2` (%3). Ship skipped." : "", "Sending file '%1' to '%2'" : "", "Sending files by parts" : "", "Error shipping file '%1' to '%2': %3" : "", "reason unknown" : "", "Concatenating files: %1" : "", "Error doing a chown '%1' to file '%2': %3" : "", "Error doing a chmod '%1' to file '%2': %3" : "", "Retrieving file '%1' to '%2'" : "", "Syncing directories '%1' and '%2'" : "", "Creating remote directory '%1'" : "", "Error while creating remote directory: %1" : "", "Could not find file '%1'" : "", "Successfully delete file '%1'" : "", "Error deleting file '%1': %2" : "", "Missing parameter dir" : "", "Could not find dir '%1'" : "", "Successfully deleted directory '%1'" : "", "Error deleting directory '%1': %2" : "", "Config file not found in '%1'" : "", "Error opening config file: %1: %2" : "", "Config file is empty: '%1'" : "", "Unknown config file type: %1" : "", "Error parsing config file `%1` (type %2, encoding %3): %4" : "", "Missing config file data variable name" : "", "Config data is missing from stash: %1" : "", "Config data is not a hash" : "", "Error writing config file `%1` from variable `%2` (type %3, encoding %4): %5" : "", "Missing parameter `%1`" : "", "Local file not found `%1`" : "", "Error registering tracked asset `%1`: %2" : "", "Footprint elements" : "", "Get date" : "", "Date %1 is not a valid date: %2" : "", "IMAP Check emails" : "", "Init Job Home" : "", "Job dir %1 does not exist for rollback. Probably it has been removed after the job execution" : "", "Skipping job dir creation due to rollback action" : "", "Creating job home: %1" : "", "Job home '%1' reset clean" : "", "Job dir too short, not removed for safety: %1" : "", "Job home '%1' created" : "", "Watch for new jobs" : "", "A Dummy Job" : "", "Job daemon in infinite mode" : "", "Job daemon iterations=%1" : "", "Skipping job %1 due to status discrepancy: %2 != %3" : "", "Starting step %1 for job %2" : "", "Precompile check for job %1 rule %2" : "", "Unrecognized mode '%1'" : "", "Abort by Dispatcher. Job unknown error caught: %1" : "", "***** ERROR: Could not fork job '%1'" : "", "Rule %1 precompile status=%2" : "", "Error trapped while precompiling rule %1. No action taken." : "", "Job ci not found for id_job=%1" : "", "Job %1 expired (mid=%3, maxstartime=%2)" : "", "Job %1 approval time expired (mid=%3, maxapprovaltime=%2)" : "", "Detected killed job %1 (mid %2 status %3, pid %4, host %5)" : "", "Debug info of killed job" : "", "Killed issued to job %1 process due to CANCEL status (mid %2 status %3, pid %4, host %5)" : "", "Could not kill Job %1 process due to CANCEL: pid not found (mid %2 status %3, pid %4, host %5)" : "", "Search in LDAP server" : "", "Parse Files" : "", "Path not found: `%1`" : "", "Parser *%1* could not parse '%2'" : "", "Pause a Job" : "", "Number of days to keep job files" : "", "Number of days to keep OK job logs" : "", "Number of days to keep KO job logs" : "", "Number of compressed files associated to a log file" : "", "Max size in MBytes to keep nginx-error log" : "", "Max size in MBytes to keep nginx-access log" : "", "Max size in MBytes to keep mongod log" : "", "Max size in MBytes to keep cla-disp log" : "", "Max size in MBytes to keep cla-web log" : "", "Set this to true (1) to prevent Clarive from purging log files" : "", "Set this to true (1) to prevent Clarive from purging job logs" : "", "Keep sent messages in duration format: 1M, 2D, etc." : "", "Keep event log entries for how long, in duration format: 1M, 2D, etc. Set to blank to stop this purge." : "", "Keep ko event log entries (0 or 1)" : "", "Keep ok event log entries (0 or 1)" : "", "Keep login event log entries (0 or 1)" : "", "Purge Daemon" : "", "Checking purge daemon configuration" : "", "Sleeping for %1 seconds" : "", "Not purging now. Purging between %1 and %2" : "", "Not purging until %1" : "", "Stopping processing further jobs until next purge period" : "", "Purging %1 ok events" : "", "Purging %1 ko events" : "", "Purging %1 auth events" : "", "Stopping processing further logs until next purge period" : "", "Rename Environment Items and Files" : "", "Running file rename for environment %1" : "", "Renamed %1 item(s), removed %2 item(s)" : "", "Could not find rename root dir %1" : "", "Could not delete file %1: %2" : "", "Could not rename element %1 to %2: %3" : "", "Could not delete file that belongs to another environment %1: %2" : "", "Renamed %1 file(s)" : "", "Deleted elements that belong to another environment" : "", "REST Request" : "", "Root Cause Analysis" : "", "Root-Cause Analysis Daemon Frequency" : "", "Root-Cause Analysis Daemon Batch Size" : "", "SQA send_ju Daemon Frequency" : "", "Service iterations" : "", "Run a remote script" : "", "Eval Remote" : "", "Could not change dir to directory `%1`: does not exist" : "", "Running command: %1" : "", "Custom error detected: %1 (rc=%2)" : "", "Error running command %1" : "", "Finished command %1" : "", "STARTING remote script %1: '%2'" : "", "Error running command %1: %2" : "", "Custom WARN return code detected running command %1: %2" : "", "FINISHED remote script %1: '%2' warnings detected" : "", "Custom OK return code detected running command %1: %2" : "", "FINISHED remote script %1: '%2' silent errors detected" : "", "FINISHED remote script %1: '%2'" : "", "Output ok detected by regexp `%1` (errors will be ignored)" : "", "Output error detected by '%1'" : "", "Output error detected" : "", "Captured %1 into stash variable '%2'" : "", "===========> RUNNING remote eval: %1\\@%2" : "", "===========> FINISHED remote eval: %1\\@%2" : "", "Error during eval execution: %1" : "", "return" : "", "output" : "", "Replace Strings" : "", "Sed: Missing or invalid path in configuration" : "", "Sed: starting: %1" : "", "Sed: Invalid path '%1'" : "", "Sed include/exclude." : "", "Sed changes" : "", "Sed finished. Changed %1 file(s)." : "", "Missing file parameter" : "", "Sed: failed to open file '%1': %2" : "", "Sed: failed to write to file '%1': %2" : "", "Restart" : "", "Server restart requested. Using kill HUP $pid" : "", "Error restarting $pid: " : "", "Sleep for a number of seconds" : "", "Job sleeping for %1 seconds" : "", "Job awaking after %1 seconds" : "", "Take System Snapshot" : "", "Error creating system message: %1" : "", "Transform Template" : "", "Missing input files" : "", "Could not find file: %1" : "", "Mason convert from `%1`, dir `%2`" : "", "Invalid templating engine type: %1" : "", "Could not write to templating output file %1" : "", "Wrote template file %1" : "", "Error processing file body with templating %1: %2" : "", "Create a new topic" : "", "Update topic data" : "", "Update a topic" : "", "Attach file to a topic" : "", "Remove files from a topic" : "", "Load topic data" : "", "Load topic related" : "", "Watch for topics without activity in statuses" : "", "Get topics that match conditions" : "", "Topic %1 not found" : "", "Status %1 does not exist in the system" : "", "Topic %1 not changed to %2 (%3). Current status is not in the valid old_status list" : "", "Changing status for topic %1 from status `%2` (%3) to status `%4` (%5)" : "", "Topic %1 deleted" : "", "Error deleting topic %1" : "", "Error deleting: %1" : "", "Missing parameter status" : "", "Category %1 does not exist in the system" : "", "Missing field `mid`" : "", "Invalid ref in field `mid`" : "", "Error asseting the file %1 to the topic %2. Error: %3" : "", "Manage UserGroup roles" : "", "Missing role" : "", "Missing project" : "", "Missing User Group" : "", "Load CI User Data" : "", "Manage user roles" : "", "Manage user groups" : "", "Missing users" : "", "Missing groups" : "", "Incorrect action %1" : "", "Validate stash variables" : "", "%1 must be filled" : "", "%1 must match reg-exp %2" : "", "Error parsing %1: %2" : "", "Webservice Response" : "", "Cannot have both body: '%1' and data: '%2' in the same webservice response" : "", "Invalid 'data:' value '%1', should be either a key value map or array" : "", "Webservice response has a duplicate method '%1'" : "", "Windows Service" : "", "Service `%1` is already running" : "", "Service `%1` starting failed: %2" : "", "Service `%1` started" : "", "Service `%1` is already stopped" : "", "Service `%1` stopping failed: %2" : "", "Service `%1` stopped" : "", "Nightly build service frequency" : "", "Nightly build service iterations" : "", "Nightly build environment" : "", "Nightly build modified period" : "", "Administer Advanced Settings" : "", "Settings" : "", "Config value %1 deleted" : "", "Error deleting config value %1: %2" : "", "Config value %1 saved" : "", "Error storing config value %1: %2" : "", "Config data exported" : "", "Error exporting config data: %1" : "", "Could not find metadata for the key '%1' in the registry." : "", "No data found for variable %1" : "", "Service logfile '%1'" : "", "Error requiring logger class %1" : "", "Invalid mid=%1 for module=%2. Check your MID." : "", "Service handler missing" : "", "Missing argument 1, stash" : "", "Config Environment" : "", "Change Topic Status If Matches" : "", "Missing 'statuses_to' configuration for workflow transition" : "", "IF From Status IS" : "", "IF Role IS" : "", "IF Project IS" : "", "Could not find key %1 in registry" : "", "Setup not done or database name `%2` incorrect. Please run 'bin/cla setup %1' before starting the server" : "", "File required" : "", "Error parsing file %1:%2" : "", "String xml required" : "", "Objects required" : "", "Tag name required" : "", "Query required" : "", "Error reading file %1" : "", "Contents or Basepath required" : "", "Contents required" : "", "Basepath required" : "", "Basepath should be absolute" : "", "File/Directory %1 does not exist" : "", "File/Directory %1 is not children of %2" : "", "Error writing file %1" : "", "File %1 created successfully" : "", "Path required" : "", "Path should be a directory" : "", "Error in rulebook (%1): %2" : "", "No data to load for module %1: %2" : "", "Error adding worker connection for id=%1: %2" : "", "Missing project passkey" : "", "missing --origin parameter, please set one to user@hostname" : "", "invalid space or characters in workerid `%1`, allowed: %2" : "", "Could not find project passkey `%1`" : "", "registering a new project for an existing worker id %1 requires sending its token with --token" : "", "incorrect token for existing worker id %1" : "", "Worker id=%1 is already registered for all projects with this passkey. Unregister it first before registering a new one or use a different workerid." : "", "Could not find worker id `%1` for token `%2`" : "", "environment(s) %1 contain invalid items, available environments are: %2" : "", "Error configuring cache: %1" : "", "Access Mode" : "", "Public - can be accessed directly" : "", "Authenticated - requires login" : "", "Local Repositories" : "", "Repository mode" : "", "Maven" : "", "NPM" : "", "URL Prefix" : "", "Allow deploy" : "", "Yes" : "", "No" : "", "Save local copy of remote artifacts" : "", "Remote Repositories" : "", "Hidden - can only be used through repository groups" : "", "Index for search" : "", "Event remote deploy extensions (comma sepatated)" : "", "Event remote download extensions (comma sepatated)" : "", "File Matching Mode" : "", "Exact - file names must match" : "", "Prefix - file names are used as prefixes" : "", "File Matching" : "", "Whitelisted Files" : "", "Blacklisted Files" : "", "Whitelisted Images" : "", "Blacklisted Images" : "", "Local Path to Repository" : "", "Checkout path" : "", "Sequence" : "", "Deploy user" : "", "Deploy password" : "", "URL to Remote Repository" : "", "HTTP(s) Proxy URL" : "", "HTTP(s) Proxy User" : "", "HTTP(s) Proxy Password" : "", "URI" : "", "DBMS" : "", "All files" : "", "Job Items" : "", "Server" : "", "Port" : "", "Service Name" : "", "Scheme" : "", "Oracle" : "", "MySQL" : "", "SQLServer" : "", "Sybase" : "", "Tables" : "", "Table" : "", "Include" : "", "Regexp pattern for included paths" : "", "Exclude" : "", "Regexp pattern for excluded paths" : "", "Branches" : "", "Repository path" : "", "Relative path" : "", "Revision Mode" : "", "Diff with Environment" : "", "Individual Commits" : "", "Tags Mode" : "", "Only environment" : "", "Release + environment" : "", "Project + environment" : "", "SHA" : "", "Git Repository" : "", "Severity" : "", "Very Low" : "", "Low" : "", "Average" : "", "High" : "", "Very High" : "", "Interpretation" : "", "Guidance" : "", "Regex" : "", "Repositories" : "", "Rulebook" : "", "Metadata" : "", "Path to file" : "", "Remote Path" : "", "Size" : "", "Signature (MD5)" : "", "Signature (CRC32)" : "", "